Elephone S7 Review

Elephone S7 Review It is bad news for a company when they hear product reviewers say that the product is a replica of another trendsetter. How does a cell phone maker follow the lead? How do they maintain their uniqueness and sell it to the public despite the negativity surrounding it? Such is the case of Elephone’s newest model S7, named after the widely known Samsung Galaxy S7, of course. Reviews have been nothing but criticizing this stunning phone for its sheer similarities with the biggest contender in the Asian markets, Samsung. But is it that similar altogether, or are there any differences to it? Did the Makers of Elephone S7 copy more than just the smooth curved design from Galaxy S7? In this article, we are going to elaborate the pros and cons of Elephone S7, and finally, hands-on Elephone S7 review with pros and cons as well. Let’s find out. Elephone S7 Review: Next Generation Phone 2017 Elephone S7 Spec...